It was recently brought to our attention that water was building up on the east wall of Glenwood’s historic Stone Chapel and causing damage to the structure.
As soon as weather conditions allow, engineers will be investigating the issue so that appropriate repairs can be planned.
As an abundance of caution, the Chapel will be closed to the public until further notice and we are accommodating previously planned events in any way we can.
Glenwood Chapel was erected in 1901, and is a designated historic building.
If you would like to contribute to the ongoing care, maintenance and repairs of the Stone Chapel and all aspects of Glenwood Cemetery, we encourage you to make your tax-deductible gift at glenwoodcemetery.ca/donate.
Glenwood Cemetery is a registered charity that relies largely on the generosity of our community to operate, maintain and preserve this meaningful County space.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.